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Constantinos N. Mantzikos was born in Athens and he lives in Larissa from his childhood. He is special educator, as well as he took his degree from Department of Special Education at University of Thessaly. He is also an author in scientific articles. His scientific interests focus on education of children with autism and children with ADHD, the impact of autism on parents and marriage, the attitudes of parents, students, teachers towards children with disabilities or special educational needs, and perceptions of autistic and deaf/hard of hearing people about their diversity.
He has talked with many adults with autism and parents who have autistic children from Greece and Europe (via email, Facebook and Skype). Furthermore, he has helped many parents to understand better the autism spectrum disorders. He also has collaborated with many educators from general and special education, as well as with many people who have PhD. He is in cooperation with Edu-Seminar's Team. He has watched various seminars on general and special education from University of Thessaly and other scientific bodies. He has published several scientific articles in websites, electronic journals with peer-reviewed works and printed journals with non-peer-reviewed works.