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Dionyssis Daradanis' basic studies are in Journalism, and he has majored in Crisis Communication Management. He works with digital and print Media as a freelancer while discovering more and more how the Social Media can help corporate functions and their promotion. For the last few years he consistently collaborates with the Laboratory for the Study of Human Relations contributing to the creation and promotion of several Seminars and Educational Programs

Homo Crisi-ou-s: Searching for identity through time

It is remarkable how, almost simultaneously - the outbreak of the economic crisis in our country, Greece, was combined with discussions about “human’s lost identity”. Words like "change", "adjustment", "return" more and multiply wanting to describe the mobility molded to each person’s temperament who is violently forced to change his/her everyday way of life. The science of Sociology, Psychology and Political Economy can give us answers to why that happened.


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