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We are celebrating three years of publication of the electronic journal Psychological Opinions and welcome you to our new, enriched, and bilingual site. We would like to thank from our heart those of you who entrusted us with your articles, but also those who chose us as their source of information.

This celebration, marked by the sixth issue of the magazine, also launches the bilingual version—Greek and English, in which, with great pride, we present articles of Greek and non-Greek authors.

In this edition, we have the pleasure of hosting the research paper by Dr. Tanju Surmeli from Turkey on smoking cessation and on treatment with neurofeedback.

In this issue, we also have an interview of Sianna Sherman by Kyriakos Theodore on our dark side and on Shadow work. The trip of internal search is a path through our shadows, intended to help us discover the deepest desires of our heart.

Elias Kassaras writes about an issue facing every family with young children, the attitude of the family during adolescence.

Please also read the topical and exceptional article by Dionyssis Darandanis, titled Homo Crisious, on the financial crisis and its influence over us.

Finally, on the occasion of the publication of the book Camaraderie and Separation from Armos Editions, we publish a de profundis interview with the author, Trifon Zachariadis.

We are expecting your own articles and reviews.


Happy reading!

Shadow Work

An interview of Theodore Kyriakos,  by Sianna Sherman 

1) How do you define shadow work?

Quit Smoking. A new approach:

Role of anterior cingulate cortex and insula in Cigarette smoking and treatment with Neurofeedback: A new approach


Homo Crisi-ou-s: Searching for identity through time

It is remarkable how, almost simultaneously - the outbreak of the economic crisis in our country, Greece, was combined with discussions about “human’s lost identity”. Words like "change", "adjustment", "return" more and multiply wanting to describe the mobility molded to each person’s temperament who is violently forced to change his/her everyday way of life. The science of Sociology, Psychology and Political Economy can give us answers to why that happened.

Get acquainted with your teenage child!

Dear Parents! Today, through this article we will try to give some basic information about adolescence, and how are the usual relationships and behaviors created between the teen and his/her parents. Firstly, adolescence is the period that usually begins at the end of our childhood, around the age of 11-13 (pre- adolescence) and ends where adulthood begins, approximately when we are 17 to 18 years old.

Interview of writer Tryfon Zachariades, by Era Moulaki

Era Moulaki (E.M.) On the occasion of the publication of your latest book entitled ‘’COMPANIONSHIP and SEPARATION‘’ (from Armos publications), I would like to ask you: How did you decide to write about these two emotional “concepts”? In addition, how has the fact that you are a psychotherapist affected your writing?


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